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The Destined Three-Legged Race (宿命の二人三脚, Shukumei no nininsankyaku) is the second novel in the Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu series. It consists of 2 prologues and 5 chapters(6-10). It corresponds to episodes 5 and 6 of the LofLH anime.




Prologue I: No Matter How Much Sadness We Carry-[]

A woman comforts a small child, reassuring him that he has brought her so much happiness even in the end of her life. Despite being separated from the person she loved, she had continued to live to protect him. She embraces Sion, pushes aside his weakness, and reminds him to be a kind child so that others may love him even after she is gone. After his mother passes, a decorated box with a dead mutt is delivered to him, reminding Sion that his mother wasn’t even human to them. Sion can do nothing more than it besides the bed where his mother lay dead and promises that even if he does not think himself to be kind, he wants to save this mad world so that his mother may rest in peace.

Chapter 1: The Unmotivated Runaway[]

Ryner is surrounded by a dozen soldiers who ignore his complaints and begin firing magical circles at him. As he carefully avoids the lightning spells, Ferris easily dodges the magic and calmly pulls out a stick of dango. Ryner nonchalantly asks Ferris to take care of the soldiers while he naps, but Ferris refuses and claims she is too busy with her dango. Both are unconcerned by the soldiers and instead argue over why they are being accused of being taboo breakers despite being on an official mission for the king. Their bickering is ended when Ferris declares her “dango break” over and the pair escape towards Imperial Nelphia, complaining about Sion’s behavior the whole way there. Ryner and Ferris are headed specifically for the imperial capital to uncover information about Nelphia’s hero relics in the royal library.

The scene switches to the king’s castle in Roland, now under the rule of the hero king Sion Astal. Despite leading a revolution against the previous king’s misgovernance with the support of Roland’s citizens, Sion still faces significant resistance from the nobility. While working, he is interrupted by Fiole’s gentle concerns and a tray of lunch. Fiole’s deep loyalty to Sion stems from their first meeting where Sion was given Fiole’s younger sister Eslina as a sex slave and rescues the both of them. He takes Fiole on as his personal secretary and gives Eslina a home near the castle. Despite Fiole’s attempts to get Sion to relax, Sion is still worked up about the impasse with the nobles over Fiole’s commoner status; though Fiole insists that he doesn’t need any sort of promotion, Sion knows the power that status holds in the captial. In the end, Sion agrees to head to bed after the banquet that night so long as Fiole takes the weekend off.

At the banquet, Sion chats with Calus and Calne, his right and left hand respectively, before sending them off into the salon. Once Sion is alone, he is approached by many of the nobles’ daughters and takes on a more personable image in order to interact with them and the other nobles. However, when speaking to a group of lords, one of them casually reveals that Sion’s “commoner secretary” has been killed during the party. Sion is forced to act unbothered by Fiole’s death under the close eye of the nobles, leaving his grief for later that night when he discovers Fiole’s slaughtered body in his chambers. Immediately, Sion sends for Eslina to be brought to the castle before the nobility can get to her too. Before leaving, Claugh reminds Sion that the throne comes with the monstrous power of the Eris family.

Later, in the darkness of the palace garden, Lucile calls out to Sion and offers violent retribution against those who killed Fiole. Sion, grappling with his anger and sadness, pushes down his feelings and states that they must wait a little longer for all the necessary pieces to fall into place; however, they both knew that Lucile would have killed him if Sion had chosen immediate revenge. Lucile disappears once more and Sion is left standing in the starlight, momentarily jealous of Ryner and Ferris’ freedom in travel in comparison to cesspool of greed in the capital.

Chapter 2: The Girl, the Demon, and ...[]

Ryner and Ferris arrive at Elarun, Nelphia’s capital, and head to the royal library. On the steps to the entrance, they see a young girl and boy, Telua and Ibel, surrounded by a group of ruffians. A young man familiar to the children, Toale, approaches the group and scolds the ruffians for attacking children. As they make a move to attack Toale and Telua, Ryner saves the kids but claims he only wanted to save the book Teelua is holding. After easily defeating the ruffians, Ryner goes back to bickering with Ferris. Toale invites them to dinner as thanks, but Ryner asks him to get them into the library instead. The guard lets them in reluctantly, deferring to “Lord Toale’s" saviors. Ryner immediately begins ordering everyone to bring him books and, from the guard’s indignation, learns that one of the Nelphian prince's illegitimate children. It is revealed that Toale’s low-born mother was never welcomed in the castle and Toale has been raising many orphans on the streets such as Teelua and Ible. It is clear that the guard, Toale’s Uncle Graniel, believes that Toale should be on the throne, but Toale is content supporting his siblings. Toale then brings Ryner and Ferris back to his house for dinner and further research

The scene switches to the Roland Empire where a young woman, Milk, is fighting five swordsmen. As one man is about to launch a deadly attack, it is revealed that Milk was a puppet bought to fight for the Callaud name; she fears she will die from the strikes, but she holds onto the memory of a young, unmotivated boy who told her that neither of them plan on dying soon. Milk is then able to call upon her magic and release a water spell that sweeps away the swordsmen and threatens to electrocute them with lightning magic. She is declared the winner of the match and her value as a tool is acknowledged by Duke Callaud. Later that night, Milk is at dinner with the rest of the Callauds and struggles to finish eating. Her adoptive sisters share a pleasant conversation about taking a family trip soon but Duke and Duchess Callaud stress that she is not allowed to go.

Next, Sion and Claugh appear at the Roland Empires’s Advanced Military Academy for the children of nobility because Sion is interested in Milk Callaud’s scores. Additionally, while both know Milk was bought by Lord Callaud, Sion also knows that she came from Roland’s Roland Special Institute Number 307, the same orphanage as Ryner. Milk appears for their meeting and Sion and Claugh are completely stupefied at her clumsy nature; Claugh forcefully throws a pen at her to see if her reflexes really are as good as professed in her reports and are shocked when she catches it without much effort. Sion then promotes her to first lieutenant, makes her captain of a taboo hunter team with Miller and Luke, and dismisses her back to her room. Suddenly, a mysterious man enters the room and introduces himself as Miran Froaude; after sending Claugh out of the room, Froaude propositions Sion to act as his hand in the darkness. Sion agrees and, once promoted to colonel, Froaude begins taking on operations in the shadows that Sion had been handling himself up until now. Despite his efficiency, Calne and Claugh especially are very wary of Froaude and begin looking into his background.

Chapter 3: The King's Melancholy[]

Ryner and Ferris are led to a manor by Toale to continue their research. Within a few days, Ryner feels a disturbance in the house and meets Iris Eris, who is going to be relaying information between them and Sion. Ryner tells Iris about coming to Nelphia and Toale’s background, but Iris records his message in a series of pictures that are nearly impossible to decipher. The scene switches to Sion recalling his mother’s kind smile and reflecting on his recent moves to manipulate people like Froaude and Lucile to achieve his dream. He too is then greeted by Iris and her confusing report.

The next day, Sion brings his close associates to a meeting with the few nobles that support Sion, all of whom are concerned that Sion’s upcoming trip to Imperial Nelphia is a trop set by the anti-monarchy party. Froaude points out that Sion cannot show weakness to the nobility so early into his reign. While he was able to easily manipulate the nobles’ position, Claugh isn’t convinced of his plan, suspicious that Froaude may be an assassin sent after Sion. Froaude offers to prove his loyalty while claiming that Claugh’s “crimson fingers” could easily kill him if Froaude did turn out to be a spy. As Claugh gears up to fight, Sion declares that he will be going to Nelphia and with only Froaude as his guard. He wishes to protect his only allies within the kingdom and alludes to “interesting people” who can protect him in Nelphia.

Chapter 4: The Illusionary Night[]

Nelpha’s citizens start to panic as news spreads that Sion Astal is coming to visit- they are wary of the young king growing greedy after he annexed Estabul. Sion enters the castle and is greeted by the king of Nelphia, Gread Nelphi, and its nobility. Sion and Gread speak amicably before transitioning into a banquet to celebrate the two kingdoms. During the banquet, Froaude and Sion conclude that the nobility of Nelphia are unlikely to be plotting to take down Sion but cannot be completely ruled out. The king’s son Starnel Nelphi strolls into the banquet and immediately insinuates that Roland is weak with its young leader. The room’s atmosphere freezes and Gread orders his son to leave immediately. After the incident, Sion and Gread carefully smooth things over, but Froaude realizes that it is most like Starnel who has been convinced to work with Roland’s nobility. Soon after, Sion slips out of his room though not without some protestation from Froaude.

The scene switches to the Toale manor where the children are waking up Ryner and Ferris for breakfast. As they enter the dining room, they see Sion and start complaining about being stuck with each other. Sion simply laughs it off and introduces himself to Toale as “Ryner’s cousin.” The three of them squabble throughout breakfast, amusing Toale, and Sion brings up Toale’s parentage. Toale says he is more focused on providing for the other children, and Ryner honestly says that the children will grow up fine as long as they have someone who loves them. Later on, Ryner confides the information he has collected about the relics in Nelphia and Sion shares the details of his visit with King Gread Nelphi. Sion is amused at Ryner and Ferris’s disinterest towards his possible assassination and instead tells them that they will soon be chased by a Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squadron unless they act as Sion’s guards for the remainder of his trip to Nelphia (he also threatens the Wynnit Dango shop again).

That night, a group of six suspicious figures are let into the castle by guards who were supposed to be protecting the visiting king. They are revealed to be Nelphia assassins, but are easily defeated by Ferris using her sword and Ryner using magic from both Roland and Nelphia. Afterwards, while Sion is reflecting on his night, Froaude appears with the identity of the leader behind the assassination plot: Count Werias. Though Sion is shocked by Froaude dragging the man’s dismembered body into his room, his calm reaction greatly pleases Froaude who is delighted to serve Sion. Froaude explains that the king is considering placing one of the prince’s sons on the throne instead of Starnelle who has concluded that he must kill both kings in order to protect his ascension. Froaude suggests pretending to join Starnelle and help him dispose of Gread, putting an expendable placeholder on the throne. Sion rejects the idea for now and plans to talk to the king first. Meanwhile, Prince Starnel and the nobility working with him are captured as part of King Gread’s attempt to apologize to Sion. Sion is adamant that Gread has no need to bow his head to Sion and the night ends peacefully for them. Late that night, Froaude violently kills a group of people implied to be opposers to Sion’s rule.

Chapter 5: He Who Lurks in Darkness[]

Ryner and Ferris return to Toale manor in the dead of night. Their light conversation while eating dango takes a heavier turn when Ryner’s careless comment devolves into thinking about his “monstrous side,” but Ferris’s steadfast response quiets the depreciation in his head. Soon, they both feel a powerful, murderous presence headed towards the manor. They head to the gardens to keep the presence from attacking the children and are greeted by a man with long black hair and a darkly colored suit. However, the man introduces himself as Miran Froaude and mistakes Ryner for Toale Nelphi. Froaude claims that, though Toale would make a great king, Nelphia already has a wonderful king; he then reaches up and releases a fearsome shadow beast from the ground. Ryner’s Alpha Stigma is unable to identify the magic behind the shadow, but Ferris is able to hit it with her sword. Froaude calls it “the grim reaper who has come to take [them]” and summons four more of the beasts. Ryner uses Estabul magic to speed up his movements and Roland magic to shoot fire at the beasts. Froaude now realizes that this is not Toale but still believes them to be guards at his side. The shadows form another, larger beast that badly injured Ferris’s back and strikes her with its paws. Froaude suggests that Ryner leave while Ferris slowly dies, but he is so enraged that he punches Froaude in the face. He barrages Froaude with several elemental spells and, while Froaude taunts, Ryner reveals that Froaude can control the shadows through the ring of the Dark Emperor.

The Dark Emperor was a tyrannical human king of an ancient country. He gave his best subordinate a ring with the power to manipulate shadows and ordered him to conquer their enemies. However, the subordinate was killed when a hero cut off the finger with the ring on it, and the ring was lost to history. That holy knight’s name was Halford Miran, and Froaude is one of his descendents. Ryner is confident that even if he can’t defeat Froaude, Ferrris will be able to cut off his finger. Miran, after observing the two bicker, remarks that it is a shame that he will have to kill them eventually, for they will become obstacles for his master. Froaude then disappears and Ferris collapses asleep in Ryner’s arms.

The next morning, Ryner is woken up by the kids but is able to keep them from barging in on Ferris. He also meets Iris and Sion in the dining room. Ryner debates telling Sion about the attack last night, but eventually decides not to since he doesn’t know how to explain and also doesn’t have the relic. Sion relays some information about the Nelphia group who planned to assassinate him and how the king is indebted to Sion. Sion inquires after Ferris, but Ryner isn’t able to give him a satisfactory explanation until Ferris sneaks up behind them and chases them with her sword.

Prolougue II: -We Must Advance to the Worry Filled Future[]

The chapter begins with Sion’s inner musings on the amount of responsibility he has taken on- other people’s lives and emotions- in order to better the kingdom. He is looking into reports from the last few weeks, including Claugh’s investigation into Froaude’s background; however they cannot find anything before he was adopted by Marquess Fraoude, most likely anyone from before had been killed by Fraoude. Sion is reading Claugh’s suggestion to dismiss Froaude when Froaude enters the office. He asks Sion if he is planning on following through after reading the report, but Sion says there is no reason to after Froaude’s efficient work in Nelphia. As Sion reads Froaude’s report on his additional information collected on Toale Nelphi, Sion worries that he is the reason Ferris and Ryner were almost murdered.

A few days later, Milk is meeting with Miller, one of Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squadron members. Despite her sudden promotion to lieutenant, she is still able to win over the other members with her sunny personality. Miller asked her to meet to discuss their next targets, warning her that she can turn down the assignment before her tenure begins. Milk immediately agrees to pursue the taboo breakers in order to protect the kingdom she met “him” in. After she leaves, the other members of the squadron come into the room, moved by her passionate speech and agreeing that they need to protect her. Miller tries to emphasize that she will be their boss, but they are dedicated to “raising her properly.”

Far away, Ryner has finally completed his research into Nelphia’s hero relics. He and Ferris make to leave Toale Manor without saying goodbye, fearing that Froaude will return and knowing that things will be getting more difficult from here on out


Anime and Light Novel Difference:

  1. Ryner and Ferris encounter heavy resistance at the border when trying to leave Roland
  2. It is alluded that Sion rescued both Eslina and Fiole after being given Eslina as a sex slave. In the anime, Fiole attacks Sion in hopes of rescuing his sister.
  3. The banquet scene in Roland, the street fight in Estabul, and the library conversation with Uncle Graniel is more extended in the novel.
  4. Ryner and Ferris must attain permission from Uncle Graniel before entering the library.
  5. Milk's past is described more in depth in the novel but her sisters are named- Lemile and Naia- only in the anime
  6. Froaude's first meeting with Sion and Claugh and Milk's initiation in to the Taboo Breakers Squad are extended
  7. The discussion over Sion's trip to Nelpha is between all of his trusted associates and longer in the novel. In the anime, only Claugh, Calne, and Miran are present with Sion.
  8. Sion visits Ryner and Ferris alone in the anime and their conversation is extended.
  9. Ryner and Ferris are able to speak for longer in the novel during their fight with Froaude and Ryner attacks Froaude excessively when Ferris is injured.

Fiole's letter to Eslina:

Eslina, thank you for writing to me all the time.
I’m sorry for often being unable to reply.
But this brother of yours is happy to hear that you’re healthy, Eslina.
Your grades have been good too. You’ve been working hard.
Your letters always manage to encourage your brother here.
And I’m lucky to have a very good superior.
Astal-sama…the king, he’s a really great man.
He’s able to treat us commoners equally, and most importantly, he’s really thinking for the sake of this country.
It’s really great that, that great man is the king of our country.
I’m really proud to be living in the country that great man rules.
If there’s a chance, I really want you to meet Astal-sama, Eslina…
Ah, yes. Astal-sama said that he’ll give me a vacation this weekend to let me see you, Eslina.
See? He’s a really kind guy, isn’t he?
So I’m thinking of seeing you this weekend.
It’s been a long time since we met.
Whenever I went back home all the time,
'Mom would make her specialty cheese.
If you can cook as well as mom, Eslina, you’ll definitely make a good bride.
If the groom’s Astal-sama…
Well, this isn’t something someone of my status can say~
Then, that’s settled. I hope to see you this weekend.

Quotes: The following quotes are grouped and in chronological order

  1. Sion’s Mother: “You don’t have to be scared about anything, Sion. You’ve been groomed into a kind child, and that’s really amazing. No matter how others slander you, those words don’t matter. There will definitely be a lot of people who will love you…so even if I’m not around…you won’t be alone, no matter how much you fear the death right in front of you…”

  2. Sion (to the nobles after hearing about Fiole’s death): “I’m fine. It’s just as you said. It’s really fortunate that it was only a commoner who was killed. I suppose I would be worrying if it was a noble who was killed. It’s great that everyone can say it like that. Thanks, everyone.”

  3. Sion after seeing Fiole's dead body: He started to feel a murderous intent deep inside his heart. A rage that was enough to cover Sion’s eyes rushed up from within him, but he didn’t show such an expression.
    Sion: “…Damn it…this is my…fault”

  4. Lucile: “Sadness, hatred, anger, regret, revenge, resignation, what kind of feeling lies deep within your heart?”
    Sion: “Everything, Lucile. No, resignation is the only thing which is not here.”
    Lucile: “Do you really feel like taking revenge on those despicable people?”
    Sion: “Of course I do.”
    Lucile: “Then, let’s kill them all. I’ll help you out since I’m good at this.”
    Sion: “No, there’s no need. Fiole doesn’t wish for this to happen as well. The time is not ripe yet. Just wait for a while until everything’s ready. Once that is done, we can annihilate them all in one go.”
    Lucile: “Fuun, do you intend to endure this until then? Until you tremble and bite your lips so hard that you bleed?”
    Sion: “I’ll endure it. No, if I say that I want to take revenge now, you’ll definitely kill me here, right? That’s why you appeared now, isn’t it?”
    Lucille: “An incompetent king, a king who can’t grasp the timing, a weak-hearted king…is not needed.”

  5. Miran: “You should have realized this. Major General Claugh Klom is a radiant person as his appearance indicates. Fiole Folkal’s the same as well, and the same goes for that Milk Callaud. You, who are always walking on the stage, will always gather people who are chasing after the light. But these aren’t enough for what you really desire, am I right? Or rather, you will bear the darkness alone? That’s impossible. You had been able to do so up till now, but now you're the king, the man radiating light in this country. Then, someone will definitely have to replace you and bear the darkness. I want to be that person. I want to get that thing you really want.”
    Sion: “…Bear my darkness, huh? That’s quite an arrogant tone. Then, do you know what I want?”
    Miran: “Of course I do. It exists inside you.Yes…right now, this Roland Empire is just a country in the Menoris Continent…but I want to help you fulfill your wish to conquer the entire continent and become the king of the Great Roland Empire.”
    Sion: “……So, do you think that’s my dream? Haha, that’s really an amazing dream. But I haven’t thought of things to such a grand level, you know? What I want is just a country without war, one where the people can smile and live.”

  6. Miran (after handing Sion the Count's mutilated body): “As expected, it’s really great to have you as king. Of course, I just feel it’s really great to be your servant, a master who doesn't say anything even after seeing such a thing. Even though you have a bright light surrounding you…you also have a vast darkness within you. That is why I will serve you with all I have.”

  7. Ryner’s thoughts before Miran attacks at the Toale residence: I know more than anyone how dangerous I am…
    I kept calling Ferris a monster, but I am the real monster…
    That’s why I had always intended to avoid people.
    I didn’t want to hurt the people I liked or the ones were kind to me…
    I…I don’t want to kill them…

  8. Ryner: “…You’ve worked hard. Leave the rest to me, take a nap for now.”
    Ferris: “…Nn. Don’t you dare attack me when I’m asleep…”
    Ryner: “OF COURSE I WON’T!!”
    #Sion’s thoughts: If the right side is Ryner’s group and the left side is the country… Which will I choose? I won’t let things end up in such a state. I’m not so stupid. No problems.

  9. Milk: “I died once before. Uun, when I was bought by the Callaud family, I felt that my heart was dead. However…that boy allowed me to live. He told me not to die. So I lived. That’s why I want to repay that boy…at that time, due to the war, there were deaths all around me……He…may have…died… But, But if he’s alive, he’s definitely in Roland.

