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Ruthless Sleep Disturbance (非情の安眠妨害, Hijō no anmin bōgai) is the third novel in the Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu series. It consists of 2 prologues and 4 chapters(11-14). It covers approximately episodes 7, 8, 9, and the first few minutes of the LofLH anime.




Prologue I: This Dream is Falling Apart—-[]

A girl, surrounded by the violence and death of her orphanage, has given up on survival when a young boy, Ryner Lute, kicks away the sword that is about to kill her. He is the start pupil of Roland’s Special Institute #307 with his incredible intellectual and physical abilities. His flawless composure is cracked by the girl’s despondent attitude and he yells at her that she has the potential to survive even though so many of them haven’t. In that moment, the girl realizes that Ryner is not the emotionless war machine they have been trained to see but a human boy who doesn’t want to lose any more of his friends. As a strike of lightning magic is aimed at Ryner, he uses a special power, pentagrams in his eyes, to dodge the attack. The girl sees that he is scared of others knowing about his eyes, and reaches out to grab his hand. As he helps her stand, she promises to never let go of his hand no matter what.

Chapter 1: The Promise to the Future[]

Ryner and Ferris are currently in a forest when they come across a fort that is heavily protected by Nelphia soldiers. After they bicker over dango, the two agree to storm the fort in search of what they presume is one of Nelphia’s hero relics. Meanwhile in Roland, Sion kneels at Fiole’s grave and is once again frustrated at his powerlessness in the face of the nobility, especially after they killed Fiole and Sion was unable to grieve him openly. He and Claugh then set out to meet Fiole’s sister Eslina who had been staying in the city and attending school for the first time. The pair meets Calne in the palace gardens, and they quickly begin teasing Calne about his bad habit of chasing after married women. As Claugh and Calne dissolve into bickering, Sion understands that the two are putting on a normal front for him, as he goes to meet Eslina after being responsible for her brother’s death.

Eslina is a very simple, yet radient young girl who gently rebukes Sion’s apologies for what happened to Fiole, speaking about how happy serving Sion made Fiole. She knew Fiole passed away happy to be a part of Sion’s dream, and she wants to help achieve this dream as well. Sion then realizes that Eslina doesn’t know the details behind her brother’s death and has to tell her that he was killed by the nobility as a warning for Sion. Eslina, in response, pulls out Fiole’s last letter to her, which is stained with his blood. She begins tearing up, but is resolute in her decision to honor Fiole’s dream.

As Claugh and Calne begin welcoming Eslina to the royal retinue, Miran Froaude denies her plea and, upon discovering that she is indeed Fiole’s younger sister, decides that he must kill her immediately. He is wary that she may want Sion dead after getting her brother killed, but she insists she doesn’t want to do anything that would have upset her brother. Froaude smirks and states that he would have no problem helping her enact revenge on the nobles which plotted Fiole’s death, but is cut off by Claugh and Calne. Froaude then moves on to his other matter of convincing Sion to declare war on Nelphia. While Calne and Claugh are enraged, Eslina calmly recites that war is already beginning in other parts of Menoris. Claugh and Calne still don’t believe that war is necessary right now, especially with the strengthening of their relationship with Nelphia, but Froaude doubts that the nobles of Nelphia would support them through a battle with the highly militaristic kingdom of Gastark.

Sion sends Claugh and the others away to discuss one final proposal with Froaude. Froaude stresses that they must subdue the Estabul nobles who refuse to bow to Roland’s rule. While the royal family of Estabul has been rendered effectively powerless, there are still nobles who are invested in the survival of Estabul and its citizens. Froaude has been suggesting to execute the Estabul nobility; if they use a fake ringleader to gather up the anti-Roland faction, Sion couldn’t be openly blamed for annihilating them. Sion is still torn over the idea when a messenger arrives to tell Sion that Estabul’s nobility have assembled and started a rebellion. Sion glares pointindly at Froaude who urges Sion to make a decision soon and alludes that he personally knows that “ringleader.”

Chapter 2: The Encounter With the Girl[]

Ryner and Ferris break through the front entrance of the fort and believe the relic they are looking for is a sword. Legend goes that a Dark Emperor, a literal demon king, was defeated by the great knight Grouse Calvert and his sword was lodged in the ground. Though many have tried, the sword has never been pulled out and Nelpha built the fort around it in order to protect their “cultural relic.” After taking down eight guards, Ferris and Ryner enter the treasury and Ryner begins thoroughly inspecting each treasure chest. However, every chest is filled with recent government documents from Imperial Nelphia. While Ryner and Ferris bicker over where to check next, they call out to the presence that has been watching them from the shadows. The older brother, Sui, and younger sister, Kuu, step out of the shadow and are seemingly cowed by Ferris and Ryner’s strength. When asked about their intentions, Sui shares that he is a novelist looking for inspiration. Kuu, in turn, scoffs and complains about how useless her brother is; they then beg Ryner and Ferris for a portion of the treasure so that Kuu can get married off. After opening the treasure chests, Kuu accuses them of stealing the treasure when Ferris lies and says that they are on a secret mission from the king of Nelpha; Ferris and Ryner then sneak away into the forest where the believe the sword is buried.

Milk dreams of her time at the orphanage, where she faces a Ryner that has been consumed by the power of the Alpha Stigma. After killing everyone at the orphanage, Ryner begins to slip from the Alpha Stigma’s control and is horrified at the destruction. Milk screams out that Ryner isn’t a monster, but is cut off by men in black combat uniforms. They are interested in studying how this Alpha Stigma user stopped his rampage after 837, Milk, reacted. Milk wakes from her dream close to tears, but steels herself for her morning routine. Milk heads down to breakfast with Luke and meets up with Moe and Lach at the dining table. Though Milk is the captain of the Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squadron, she is a very sweet and naive kid in the eyes of her subordinates. The group is very light hearted despite their important task, and Milk, overwhelmed by the happiness she feels at being accepted, starts crying as Lear walks into the room with Kuu and Sui.

Kuu and Sui share their meeting with the “investigators on a mission from the Nelphian king” who also had the Roland coat of arms on their armor. Three days later, the squad finds them in the forest where they seem to be searching for something. Though Milk is nervous for her first mission, she devises a plan to apprehend them; however, her lightning magic is quickly halted and she is attacked by a sword. Milk realizes that the man she is hunting is the same Ryner from the special facility, but Ryner does not recognize Milk and allows Ferris to capture the squad. Milk tries her best to protect her subordinates from Ferris and, after witnessing her “playful threats” towards Ryner, believes that Ferris is holding Ryner captive.

Ryner and Ferris leave the squad tied up in the forest and return to digging holes in search for the hero relic. As Ryner unearths a dagger-like blade, the Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squadron are discovered by the guards from the fort that Ryner and Ferris raided earlier. They are saved by Ferris who engages the Nelphian soldiers while Ryner tries to understand the powers of the hero relic. He throws the dagger in the ground in frustration only for a massive pillar of fire shaped like a dragon to emerge and scare off the Nelphian brigade. Ryner and Ferris nonchalantly discuss their future plans to look for other relics, setting off with the dagger and leaving Milk behind with the dragon. Milk feels as if she has left down the team but Luke tells her a story about his first mission where they were supposed to kill a family with two kids for abandoning Roland. His captain, Major Miller supposedly killed the children first and then the parents who had wanted to project their sons; in reality, though he couldn’t save the parents, he secretly brought back the two kids to Roland. Those kids were Moe and Lach, who are now part of the Taboo Breakers Squad. Luke relates his trust in that decision as the same that he feels for Milk’s judgment, and the rest of the team feels the same way. They trust Milk’s hope of saving Ryner despite their orders, and the family quietly withdraws from the area with the now unmoving dragon.

Chapter 3: To Each His Own Melancholy[]

Estabul and a number of its soldiers are starting to rebel against Roland. Sion meets with both his pro-monarchy advisors and the anti-monarchy party led by Duke Stearead in the throne room. As the two sides squabble, Sion is confounded with how to deal with the amount of power Stearead holds behind the scenes. The anti-monarchy is complaining about Sion’s softness towards Estabul when Stearead apologies for their young and brash opinions, claiming that they are all speaking with the country’s best interest in mind. Stearead asks for Sion’s plan to deal with the problems despite only being informed of the rebellion two days earlier. Sion smiles and says that since he has been expecting a rebellion, the plan is already ready though both parties were unaware of this. Sion turns the group over to Froaude who explains that the rebellion may reach fifty thousand soldiers soon. In order to minimize the amount of damage incurred, Froaude claims that some of the nobles, somehow all from the anti-monarchy party, will need to evacuate their property and invites them to stay at the castle for the time being. While the nobles dither about letting the monarchy’s people onto their property, Stearead attempts to reason with Froaude by suggesting they put down the rebellion in Estabul’s territory. Froaude agrees to lead the army into Estabul but Sion overrules him and decides to send Claugh instead and have Froaude relay information.

Once the meeting finishes, Stearead concludes that Froaude must have orchestrated the rebellion and had planned on using his success to rise in the hierarchy. He attempts to ally with Froaude under the guise of his friendship with Marquis Froaude, Miran’s adoptive father. After Froaude shares his opinion about their king’s weakness in wanting to save everyone, Stearead offers Froaude the position as his right hand man. Froaude smirks and states that because Sion has this weakness, Froaude will stay at his side and crush those who do not deserve his kindness. Froaude’s bloodlust begins overwhelming Stearead and he suggests that Stearead chooses the side that will save his life, sooner rather than later.

In one of Roland’s old castles, Salawell, an advisor to Noa Ehn, the princess of Estabul, explains that her father, the former king, is looking for an ally within the Roland nobility. Noa, however, knows that her father has sold out their country for safety and status within Roland and openly says so. Salawell believes that the people of Estabul can free themselves from Roland’s violent treatment, but Noa just wants her people to be happy. She eventually overcomes her hesitation and agrees to lead their forces to invade Roland. Meanwhile Sion reflects on his actions, tearing up at the inevitable violence he had hoped to avoid and the fact that others will bear the price for it. Suddenly, Iris, who has never seen someone cry in real life after growing up in the Eris household, appears from the shadows. Her antics bring a smile to Sion’s face and he asks for her report over Ryner and Ferris. She relays the information in her usual, confusing arrangement of drawings but has to further explain their encounter with the relic and the dragon. He also sees that they have finally made contact with the Taboo Breaker Pursuit Squadron. While Ryner and Ferris are waiting in the Nelphian city of Lancas for Sion to contact them, Sion receives an important document from Major Miller and immediately begins making plans.

Chapter 4: The World that Began its Awakening[]

Claugh and his soldiers engage the Estabul rebellion in the Hewled region of Roland. The rebels are heading for Count Culliard’s castle though he has refused to move from his property. Claugh enters the battlefield and swiftly kills the leader of the Estabul forces, shattering the rebels’ will to fight after hearing that Roland’s “Crimson-Fingered Claugh Klom”, Claugh’s bloody moniker from the war, is leading the opposition. This pattern continues as Froaude directs Claugh towards the rebellion’s strongholds and they are able to push the insurgents back into Estabul territory. As the leadership at the Estabul military camp struggle, Noa once again contemplates if there are any benefits to rebelling against Roland. Even though Major General Klom has been waiting for them at each battlefield, Noa admits that their only saving grace has been Klom choosing to incapacitate soldiers instead of killing them. Noa decides they must surrender to protect their remaining citizens and that she will accept responsibility for starting the insurgency. Salawell instead suggests that they take advantage of Roland’s reluctance to kill by taking some Roland and Estabul citizens hostage. Noa is shocked at Salawell’s heartless sacrifice, but Salawll insists that he is protecting both Noa and the people of Estabul’s pride. Noa is forced to comply, underscoring her role as a puppet king despite being chosen by her people.

They send a letter to the Roland military outlining their terms: Claugh must separate from the army and release every captured Estabul soldier or the rebellion will indiscriminately kill the hostages. As Claugh debates how to proceed, Froaude has already begun heading for the headquarters. As the nobles inside blame Salawell for the failed plan, Noa decides she will accept the blame for the attack. Noa is sharing her gratitude towards their dedication to Estabul when Froaude opens the door to the meeting room, reaches for the ceiling, and activates his Ring of the Dark Emperor, which calls on the shadows in the room to slaughter the nobles. Salawell uses the chance to escape the room with the princess, and reveals his true colors: he arranged for the rebellion and hostages to be part of “Noa’s plan” and, after defeating her, will paint himself as the patriotic hero who stopped her. As he admits that his original plan was to seize Estabul by marrying Noa, Froaude rips off his arm and shares how Sion had wished for the rebellion to be dealt with carefully by only Major General Klom As Noa questions whether Sion would approve of the way Froaude has manipulated the rebellion, she is shocked when Claugh enters the castle and is enraged at Froaude. Though she imagined him as ruthless, she is unprepared for his handsome face and strong morality. As Claugh and Froaude threaten each other, Noa offers to persuade Estabul’s people to fully cooperate with Roland instead of Froaude killing all of the hostages. Froaude agrees and withdraws the armed forces while Noa collapses into Claugh’s arms. The rebellion is quelled and a new story is spread throughout Roland: Salawell and the nobles committed atrocities under Princess Noa’s name and she single handedly stood up to them once they began taking hostages. Though Noa is largely celebrated as a hero, parts of Estabul calls her a traitor while the Roland nobility detest her growing status.  

In Nelpha, Iris ambushes Ryner, though he is familiar with her antics now, and banters with her sister. Ferris notices that she hasn’t been sleeping enough and chokes her into fainting, like when they were younger. Ferris and Iris nap and make dango trips for the next few days when Iris suddenly remembers that she was supposed to deliver an important letter from Sion but it had been thrown away during the dango party. Ryner believes that Sion wanted them to further investigate the area where they found the relic and the dragon. When he and Ferris head back to the forest, they find unusually bloodless corpses hanging from the trees and run into Kuu and Sui again. They say they heard a rumor about a dragon in the forest, but Ferris notices the dagger relic hanging on Sui’s waist. Sui then explains that he and Kuu are also looking for hero relics which they call Rule Fragments. As they begin to fight, Ryner copies the magic off of Sui and Kuu is able to stop Ferris’s sword with a giant scythe, a hero relic named the Scythe of Ailuchrono, that can freeze objects like the bloodless bodies.. After Sui stabs himself with the hero relic and his arm turns into a dragon, Ferris and Ryner are forced to admit that they will have to retreat. Sui mentions that he wants to crystallize Ryner’s Alpha Stigma instead of killing him, though Ryner doesn’t know what that entails. As they begin escaping into the forest, Sui throws a jewel into the air and says “Resonate”; Ryner’s mind begins to white out and disappears under the voice of the Alpha Stigma. Sui explains to Ferris that he is awakening the insane demon that is the Alpha Stigma and that, using the power of a hero relic called Elemio’s Comb, he can control the demon and harvest its powers. However, as he tries to do so, the pentagrams in front of Ryner’s eyes shoot through the comb and begin disintegrating it and Sui’s arm. He is able to cauterize the wound with the dragon’s mouth and hastily retreats with Kuu. Ferris is left dodging the beams from the pentagram while trying to speak to Ryner beyond the Alpha Stigma’s ramblings. Ryner tries to fight for control and asks Ferris to close his eyes. They collapse into each other and, after a little bickering, find solace in each other's arms.

Prologue II: And Yet We Continue to Gaze Into it[]

Sion is shocked when Froaude informs him that nearly the entire anti-monarchy party died during the Estabul rebellion. Save for Stearead, the rest supposedly took to the front lines and died honorably in battle. While they both know in reality Froaude used this chance to take care of the anti-monarchy party, Froaude clarifies that he left Staelied alone because he still has value for now. After Froaude leaves, Noa approaches Sion while accompanied by Claugh and the three banter amicably. Sion notes that Noa is both strong and optimistic, part of the reason Froaude wants her to bear Sion an heir, but Sion knows that she and Claugh are forming a close bond. Meanwhile, Ryner and Ferris are waiting in the Nelphia inn for Iris to return with another correspondence from Sion. Ryner is sleepily bickering with Ferris when the Taboo Break Pursuit Squad enters the inn where they have also been staying. They begin to chase each other, but the mood remains calm and peaceful, for now.


Anime and Light Novel Differences: There are extended scenes for the following events (some are not even featured in the anime or occur in a different order)

  • Milk’s flashback, remembering how Ryner saved her during the battle, is extended in the novel. She also remebers more of her past in the novel, specifically how Ryne went beserk to save her.
  • Claugh and Sion talk at Fiole’s grave before meeting Eslina. At first, they lied to her about his cause of death, but Sion then tells her that Fiole had been murdered because he was Sion’s aide.
  • Miran's arrival during this scene is only depicted in the novel.
  • Sui and Kuu leave Ryner and Ferris alone in the anime after Ferris makes up the start about being investigators from Nelphia. In the novel, Ferris and Ryner have to run away from them.
  • In the anime, Sui and Kuu meet the taboo breaker squad when they are having breakfast. In the novel, Lear has brought them and promised food in exchange for information.
  • Luke only reveals Moe and Lach's backstories to Milk in the novel.
  • The scene between Miran and Count Staelied in episode 10 takes place in the garden in the garden instead of a banquet like in the light novel.
  • In the anime, Iris remebers the letter from Sion on the first day but believes she has lost the letter. In the novel, Iris and Ferris enjoy a dango feast for days before Iris remembers the message and they assume it has been lost with all the empty boxes of dango.
  • The subsequent fight sequence and dialogue are extended in the novel and the tones are different; the anime is more comedic while the novel is more emotional.

Quotes: The following quotes are grouped and in chronological order

  1. Young Ryner, to Milk: “What do you mean ‘what am I talking about’? According to your results, aren’t you still going to die here? Even so, live on! Continue living, don’t think about dying, even though there are many people who will continue dying, don’t be so flighty!”

  2. Sion (standing at Fiole’s grave): “a country where there would be no war… I actually told you that, I was so arrogant… Even now, I’m unable to control the nobles of this country! For the sake of escaping from the nobles’ attention, I even couldn’t come for your memorial and your funeral. I could only sneakily slip out to come visit this place. I killed you… It was because I did not have enough power that I caused you to die.

  3. Eslina: “I think Onii-san died, satisfied with his life. He was able to see His Majesty’s dreams, so he was able to die peacefully… So I also want to serve His Majesty. I want to help out with the dream that Onii-san saw.”

  4. Milk, meeting Ryner again after many years:“Ah? Don’t you remember me? It’s Milk? It’s me, Milk! It-it can’t be? You-you even forgot about that? That- that promise to we-we-wed when I was brought from the orphanage…”

  5. Luke: “Captain Milk. When Major Miller first ordered us to become your personnel, we were a little reluctant. We were Major Miller’s personnel, we were unable to work for other leaders. But after seeing you and talking with you, our views changed. We decided to follow you. From that moment on, we decided to become your family.

  6. Miran , to Staelied: “My beloved king is very gentle to his enemies. He is always thinking of ways to save the foolish nobles. If it were me, I would immediately kill them, unlike that humble person who would continue to let them live. That is why I will destroy those nobles who creep on the ground and I will always follow His Majesty. Give me the payment that I wish for? You can’t do that. What I wish for… can be only accomplished by Sion Astal-sama. Sion Astal-sama who is the real king can fulfill my wish to have a world where the weak and strong can survive. It is only a wish that the ruler of the Menoris Continent can fulfill.”

  7. Salawell, to Noa: “No. I only wanted to protect you, I wanted to protect you whom I have watched grow up… that kind of feeling is one of my reasons. But the other reason is, thinking for the people of Estabul after today. If we lose to them like this, what will happen to the people of Estabul after this? They will be ravaged, invaded, and if they are tired of this, they will be killed… that is the fate of a country that has lost. I am only thinking of a way to save them…”

  8. Noa: “You say hero? Roland’s hero!? A hero who does something like this!? You’re saying that someone who plays with others' thoughts, in the end mocking them, that is the way how the Hero King of Roland, Sion Astal acts?”
    Miran: “…That’s not it. The one who does these things… is not a hero. My King would not do this. These are my own actions. And I have mentioned this to the king… but I was rejected by him. But, although I do not wish to use Salawell-san’s words, beautiful things cannot move this country… This is the truth too. So, there is a need for people like me. Your Highness, a country where people can smile and live… that wish… I don’t hate it. I don’t hate people like you, too. If I were the officer or commoner of Estabul, I would choose you as king. But…”

  9. Noa: “Major Froaude. If you have to kill the hostages so that Estabul can be integrated with Roland… then let me convince them. I, for the sake of the commoners and soldiers of Estabul, can completely assist Roland, to persuade them… Don’t you think that this is a more effective way in allowing Estabul to integrate with Roland?”
    Noa: “It doesn’t matter. If you wish, you can even kill me after that. So… so please don’t fight.”
    Miran: “…Ahh, I see. Indeed… you are an extremely clever person… it’s like that. Alright. Then, I will stop now. If I continue there will be more meaningless sacrifices. I will have to quickly allow those attacking soldiers to retreat immediately.”

  10. Ryner, possessed by the power of the Alpha Stigma: “Analysing existence. Disappear, ant.”
    Sui: “What, what exactly is that, this guy. He isn’t a normal “Alpha Stigma” bearer? That power just now… and that voice just now. What was he saying! Completely different from other people…”
    .Ryner: “Kill me? With that magnitude of power? Kill me? You will kill me with the mere power of Elemio’s Comb? The ants crawling on the ground, actually said they would kill me? Ha, hahaha, hahahahaha. Disappear. Disappear, disappear. Let everything end. Nothingness. Return to nothing.”

