The Dai Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu series by Kagami Takaya continues on after the DYD series.
Volume 1 - The Great Escape To The Undecided Future
Volume 2 - The Tomorrow Unknown To The Great Battle
Volume 3 - The Great Plan Of The Azure Breath
Volume 4 - The Great Fascination Of Wiles And Tricks
Volume 5 - The Descent Of The Demon King
Volume 6 - The Fallen Alpha In The Battlefield
Volume 7 - First Love And Death God
Volume 8 - The Future Of The Broken Magician
Volume 9 - The Futile Struggles of the Dropout
Volume 10 - Hero & Demon
Volume 11 - Human Representative
Volume 12- The late King of the Cursed Eyes
Volume 13- Afternoon Naps, Dango and the King
Volume 14- Confession of the Sword's Clan