The Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu (DYD) series by Kagami Takaya is the first series of the LofLH’s universe. It has a total of 11 volumes.
- Volume 1 - The Napping Kingdom's Ambition
- Volume 2 - The Destined Three-Legged Race
- Volume 3 - Ruthless Sleep Disturbance
- Volume 4 - The Feast of Cleaning
- Volume 5 - Cleanup of the Heart
- Volume 6 - The Plan to Assassinate Sion
- Volume 7 - The Truth Behind the Disappearance
- Volume 8 - The Directionless Ingrate
- Volume 9 - The Perfect and Flawless King
- Volume 10 - The King Fighting Alone
- Volume 11 - The Changing Virtuous King