The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes Wiki

Halford Miran ( ハルフォード ・ミラン , Harufōdo Miran ) was a legendary hero who defeated the Dark Emperor. The Dark Emperor was a human king who carried out great violence against the world and gave his most trusted subordinate a ring with the ability to manipulate shadows. However, Halford Miran was able to defeat the subordinate by cutting off the finger which wore the ring and the power of the shadows eventually killed off the Dark Emperor as well. The location of the ring was unknown until the appearance of Miran Froaude, who is named after him and currently wields the Ring of the Dark Emperor.

Halford Miran is first mentioned in Volume 2 - The Destined Three-Legged Race when Rynerand Ferris are confronted by Froaude in Nelpha. At first they are unable to understand Froaude's shadow powers until Ryner recounts the story of the Dark Emperor. Froaude is shocked that Ryner knows about the legend, but Ryner had been extensively studying the history of hero relics at that point. He was able to connect Miran's name and power with that of the Dark Emperor.
