A Treatise to Building a Kingdom of Afternoon Naps
"We wouldn't have gotten very far, if deep do-"
Just kidding. Of course I don't intend to bore you with a simple copy and paste speech from Ryner's thesis... yet.
Terrible jokes aside, I realize this place hasn't recieved a blog post for a short period of around 4 years, therefore I'm here to recify such!
Besides being around a period of eight-nine years late to the party (at least the wiki party), I can't exactly blame the inactivity on anything.
Time is simply one cruel mistress (crueler than perhaps Ferris on bad days).
Either way, I plan to do a few things around the place and thought I'd give a few words here to show that there are still fans prowling the world, enjoying the world of Menoris.
If you want to talk about any topics, I should be…